
Showing posts from 2020

Analysis of the performance of my Blog - Lais Cristina de Carvalho Alves -10542199

The purpose of creating the Blog is to perform an analysis of the statistics through Google Analytics. In addition to the importance of developing content about Big Data and blog management. In a period of almost 6 weeks 5 blogs were posted. Audience Overview Analyzing the Audience Overview, we can see that 39 users accessed the blog in 128 sessions, of these 58,2 % were new visitors and 41,8% were returning visitors. I am glad to see that most of them enjoyed the articles and came back to read a new post. In regard to the duration of the session, I believe that 2:24 minutes is enough for the reading of the content. However, it is worth noting that the Bounce Rate showed that 45.31% of the users exited the site immediately after access.  Acquisition Overview This overview clarifies how users found the blog and identifies all the channels that brought traffic to the website. Access to the blog was either by links that I sent to my classmates, t

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has been explored to present innovations in various sectors of society. As it could not be otherwise, Artificial Intelligence resources are being developed to help with market solutions and applied to business. In Digital Marketing, for example, the approach has been explored for years and offers more and more new opportunities. According to Stelzner, from a marketing perspective, there are some fundamental things to know about machine learning and deep learning and how each actually works. The first is that the software powering machines is inherently stupid. Machines cannot see, hear, understand, nor speak. AI is simply an umbrella term for making machines “smarter” and giving them human-like capabilities. Predictiveness analysis, content creation, lead scoring, ad targeting, dynamic pricing and voice search are the most popular applications of AI in marketing. For instance, Alexa, Siri, or any other voice assistant doesn’t understand anything r

Benefits and Challenges of using Customer Data for marketing

Every second, thousands of users realize actions on the Internet. They visit pages, watch videos, click on banners, read the news, etc. This information is as a support of each person's browsing behavior, trends, preferences, consumption, and habits. Some companies have been shaping their business, communication and sales strategies based on analysis of information collected on the Internet using big data algorithms to understand the market and anticipate trends. In addition, the use of data in digital strategies have also directly impacted sales and engagement with brands. That a great way to know the target audience, thanks to the analysis of data from social media and websites, it is possible to win new customers and retain current ones. By combining big data with an integrated marketing management strategy, marketing organizations can make a substantial impact in these key areas (SAS 2019): Customer engagement:   Big data can deliver insight into not just w

Value in Big Data for Marketing

Marketers can sometimes feel threatened by the term big data due to the misconception that this is only a concern of specialists in Technology Information. However, despite its apparent complexity, it is something that we are all dealing with on a daily basis, whether in personal or professional life. Big data refers to the storage of an immense amount of data, also as the ability to find value in this information, at high speed. As I already mentioned on the blog. There are five components considered as the basis of big data: value, volume, speed, variety, and veracity. The Value is the one most relevant. It is great to have access to a massive amount of information every second, but that will not do any good if it can't generate value. It is important for companies to enter the Big Data business, but it is always important to remember the costs and benefits and try to add value to what you are doing. According to Shanawaz data is being produced in large volumes today th

The 3Vs of Big Data

When we talk about the definition of Big Data, we are referring to a true technological revolution, capable of qualifying the results of companies. This explains the great interest in the resource worldwide. In the dimension of Big Data, there are 3 points denominated 3Vs (volume, variety and velocity) VOLUME Within the Social Media space for example, Volume refers to the amount of data generated through websites, portals and online applications. Especially for B2C companies, Volume encompasses the available data that are out there and need to be assessed for relevance. Consider the following -Facebook has 2 billion users, Youtube 1 billion users, Twitter 350 million users and Instagram 700 million users. Every day, these users contribute to billions of images, posts, videos, tweets etc. You can now imagine the insanely large amount -or Volume- of data that is generated every minute and every hour.     VELOCITY With Velocity we refer to the speed with which data are

What is Big Data?

The Big Data differential is precisely linked to the possibility and opportunity to cross this data through different sources to obtain quick and precious insights. The demand of consumers and the increase in competitiveness in all markets force us to innovate and have this path as a basic premise in business. That is why Big Data is so essential today. We are able to obtain market information through our consumers, extracting what they are saying about everything you do. Dissatisfactions, satisfactions, desires, needs, among others, are possible to capture on social media and cross with your company's internal data and thus create incredible insights. Krish Krishnan explains why Big Data and why now because these are the two most popular questions that are crossing the minds of any computing professional: Why Big Data? Why now? The promise of Big Data is the ability to access large volumes of data that can be useful in gaining critical insights from processing repeated o