Analysis of the performance of my Blog - Lais Cristina de Carvalho Alves -10542199

The purpose of creating the Blog is to perform an analysis of the statistics through Google Analytics. In addition to the importance of developing content about Big Data and blog management.
In a period of almost 6 weeks 5 blogs were posted.

Audience Overview

Analyzing the Audience Overview, we can see that 39 users accessed the blog in 128 sessions, of these 58,2 % were new visitors and 41,8% were returning visitors. I am glad to see that most of them enjoyed the articles and came back to read a new post. In regard to the duration of the session, I believe that 2:24 minutes is enough for the reading of the content. However, it is worth noting that the Bounce Rate showed that 45.31% of the users exited the site immediately after access. 

Acquisition Overview

This overview clarifies how users found the blog and identifies all the channels that brought traffic to the website.
Access to the blog was either by links that I sent to my classmates, through the DBS Moodle student portal or through comments on other blogs.
39,4% Social
12,1% Referral

48,5% Direct

Behavior Overview

In this report, through analysis of these findings, we can observe the most common scenarios on the website and work with this data in order to optimize the users' experience. Thus  highlighting content performance and engagement.

Google Analytics is a great free tool to verify access. However, it is necessary to know what needs to be measured and what to do with the data. Extracting a digital strategy is the key to the business's success in the digital environment. An excellent way to manage from reach to conversion.


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