The 3Vs of Big Data

When we talk about the definition of Big Data, we are referring to a true technological revolution, capable of qualifying the results of companies. This explains the great interest in the resource worldwide.
In the dimension of Big Data, there are 3 points denominated 3Vs (volume, variety and velocity)

Within the Social Media space for example, Volume refers to the amount of data generated through websites, portals and online applications. Especially for B2C companies, Volume encompasses the available data that are out there and need to be assessed for relevance. Consider the following -Facebook has 2 billion users, Youtube 1 billion users, Twitter 350 million users and Instagram 700 million users. Every day, these users contribute to billions of images, posts, videos, tweets etc. You can now imagine the insanely large amount -or Volume- of data that is generated every minute and every hour.  

With Velocity we refer to the speed with which data are being generated. Staying with our social media example, every day 900 million photos are uploaded on Facebook, 500 million tweets are posted on Twitter, 0.4 million hours of video are uploaded on Youtube and 3.5 billion searches are performed in Google. This is like a nuclear data explosion. Big Data helps the company to hold this explosion, accept the incoming flow of data and at the same time process it fast so that it does not create bottlenecks.

Variety in Big Data refers to all the structured and unstructured data that has the possibility of getting generated either by humans or by machines. The most commonly added data are structured -texts, tweets, pictures & videos. However, unstructured data like emails, voicemails, hand-written text, ECG reading, audio recordings etc, are also important elements under Variety. Variety is all about the ability to classify the incoming data into various categories.

Reference: (2020). Understanding the 3 Vs of Big Data - Volume, Velocity and Variety. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Feb. 2020].


  1. Really good explanation of what the 3Vs of Big Data are. Thanks for sharing

  2. Very clear to understand the concepts of the 3 V's of Big Data.

  3. Interesting article, very practical to understand how to analyse big data

  4. Thank You. I have a better understanding of 3Vs now.

  5. Superb blog with many useful insights. Well done and great work

  6. Well done Lais, very clear and informative.


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