Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence has been explored to present innovations in various sectors of society.
As it could not be otherwise, Artificial Intelligence resources are being developed to help with market solutions and applied to business.
In Digital Marketing, for example, the approach has been explored for years and offers more and more new opportunities.
According to Stelzner, from a marketing perspective, there are some fundamental things to know about machine learning and deep learning and how each actually works. The first is that the software powering machines is inherently stupid. Machines cannot see, hear, understand, nor speak. AI is simply an umbrella term for making machines “smarter” and giving them human-like capabilities. Predictiveness analysis, content creation, lead scoring, ad targeting, dynamic pricing and voice search are the most popular applications of AI in marketing. For instance, Alexa, Siri, or any other voice assistant doesn’t understand anything right out of the box. These tools have been trained to hear the human language, understand what it’s saying, process, learn from it and generate the best response to the customer's queries.
Pahwa (2019) explains that Chatbot It’s one of the best examples of automation and artificial intelligence in marketing. Chatbots designed to serve one or more purposes to the customers. For example, a chatbot operating in a chat screen of a website, or a bot operating in any social networking website’s chatbox.
Artificial intelligence helps marketing to better exploit customer service. Service is much faster, and the customer feels special for a company. This causes a real feeling that the customer is in the first place. As it is all about customers the use of AI is making companies increase their competitive advantage and be more successful. 


Pahwa, A. (2019). 10 Brilliant Examples of AI in Marketing | Feedough. [online] Feedough. Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2020].

Stelzner, M. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: What Marketers Need to Know. [online] Social Media Marketing | Social Media Examiner. Available at: [Accessed 24 Feb. 2020].


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