Benefits and Challenges of using Customer Data for marketing

Every second, thousands of users realize actions on the Internet. They visit pages, watch videos, click on banners, read the news, etc. This information is as a support of each person's browsing behavior, trends, preferences, consumption, and habits.
Some companies have been shaping their business, communication and sales strategies based on analysis of information collected on the Internet using big data algorithms to understand the market and anticipate trends. In addition, the use of data in digital strategies have also directly impacted sales and engagement with brands. That a great way to know the target audience, thanks to the analysis of data from social media and websites, it is possible to win new customers and retain current ones.
By combining big data with an integrated marketing management strategy, marketing organizations can make a substantial impact in these key areas (SAS 2019):

Customer engagement:  Big data can deliver insight into not just who your customers are, but where they are, what they want, how they want to be contacted and when.

Customer retention and loyalty: Big data can help you discover what influences customer loyalty and what keeps them coming back again and again.

Marketing optimization/performance: With big data, you can determine the optimal marketing spend across multiple channels, as well as continuously optimize marketing programs through testing, measurement and analysis.

Handling a large amount of data, real-time, data security, shortage of skilled people can be a challenge (Vaghela, 2018)
According to Bekker, most of the reviewed challenges can be foreseen and dealt with, if your big data solution has a decent, well-organized and thought-through architecture. And this means that companies should undertake a systematic approach to it.


Bekker, A. (2018). 7 Major Big Data Challenges and Ways to Solve Them. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2020]. (2019). Big Data, Bigger Marketing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Feb. 2020].

Vaghela, Y. (2018). Four Common Big Data Challenges - DATAVERSITY. [online] DATAVERSITY. Available at: [Accessed 21 Feb. 2020].


  1. Great work Lais. Very good content.

  2. Very informative Lais. Using customer data for marketing is one of the key for business.

  3. Yes, big data with a good marketing strategy is the key to success! Good article! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your article is really clear. Thanks for sharing that with us

  5. You're absolutely right, with the right architecture most of the challenges discussed can be dealt with. Great article, Lais!

  6. Very good article, let’s see which challenges and benefits use customer data will bring to us as marketers!!!

    1. Thank you Marilia. I am sure that it will be very useful for us.

  7. Well done Lais, Customer data allows improving strategies.


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